Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weekend in Brighton

Hello everyone! I went to a place called Brighton this weekend. Its right on the coast and was your average beachfront town with a giant pier (which is behind me in the picture above.) It was the English version of a Florida town I think. It was a lot of fun! It was really windy and cold but the ocean was beautiful. 

One of our first stops was the museum. The art exhibits were really interesting. We walked through ancient Egypt and the history of Brighton and world cultures... they even had some modern art! My favorite exhibit was the one all about the body and movement. There were pictures and painting, displays of costumes worn in parades and galleries of tattoos! Some of the costumes were really extravagant, and they were from all over the world. There was a section for kids with a puppet stage and hand puppets too. So I put on a show!

That's my knight killing an alligator that was attacking his kingdom. The other cool things in the body exhibit were things that people used to wear hundreds of years ago. The corsets and the shoes were soo tiny! They clothes through the ages as well. All in all I really liked the museum. It was right next to the royal pavillion which Henry IV had built when he visited.

It looks like the Taj Mahal, doesn't it? It definitely sticks out like a sore thumb in England, but it was absolutely beautiful nonetheless. We didn't end up going inside because admission was expensive and we were happy enough just to see it from the outside. It was right outside our hostel as well so we saw it often.

On our last night being there Emily and I decided to have a nice dinner and take a walk along the Brighton Pier. Our dinner was at a really swanky Thai place. We walked in and asked for a table at around 7:30. They were so booked that they told us we could have a table in the back, but would have to be done eating by 8:30 because they had a reservation then. Ha no rush on eating that night. It was my first Thai food and I loved it! I was so full when we left. The Brighton Pier at night was just as impressive as it was in the day time. It had rides at the end of it and an arcade/casino in the middle! We were too broke to ride the rides or play the games so we settled for a picture instead.

When we asked one security guard to take the picture for us, the other one decided that he should be in the picture with us! So ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you Reg, the Brighton security guard. (No mom, he wasn't just some random scary man. He was there to keep us safe, I think...)

All in all it was a really fun weekend. I got to see the ocean and go shopping, and walk around a really lively city that boasts it is 'the homosexual capital of England.' (Sorry, Grandma and Granddad!) So needless to say this city was alive with life and excitement. On Thursday night when Emily and I decided to go some where, we had no clue where we were going to end up. We just picked a place on the map that looked good, and we ended up having an awesome time in Brighton. No other Americans here can say they've been to the sea yet, so we're one up on them!

I just want to say thanks to my family who has been skyping me, and Grandma and Granddad for the card they sent! I was really starting to get home sick and all of that has really helped. **Cando you are going to have to share some secrets on getting past this home sickness. I've been turning to food, and I'm getting fat now. :)

As always, thanks for taking the time to read what I'm up to. If anyone else would like my address its
Margaret Nottingham
BG 27
Beech Glade
King Alfred Campus
Sparkford Road
S022 4NL
I'd really love the mail!

<3 M

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Magi Has a Walking Adventure

So I went on a bit of an adventure with my Writing in the Environment class. We went to St. Catherine's Hill and walked the water meadows. Supposedly we were on the same path that Keats walked, drawing inspiration for his famous ode 'To Autumn.' I was supposed to be on that path... and I think I was for a while. But come on ladies and gentleman- who would I be if I didn't make my own path, even if it was an accident.

Here begins the path up St. Catherine (who I will refer to as Cathy)'s hill. In so many words.. the trek up was a struggle. Its quite a big hill. No worries, the athlete in me got me up the hill. A little insight on this picture and the class I am taking. We were supposed to take notes and pictures of things that inspired us on the walk. My note at this point on my walk was "the living grows next to the dead; juxtaposition." If you look closely on the left of the picture are giant, leafy trees; on the right of the path are dead trees. It just struck me. I don't know what as or what for but look for yourself.

As I came around the corner to the stairs up the St. Cathy's I ran into a bit of an obstacle. Actually, there were two or three of them. These giant cows were grazing on the stairs and would not move. They were so big and they let me get so close to them. I was actually scared that one of them was going to kick me as I moooooved around its backside. (That one was for you Dad.) But they didn't. In fact, my note at this point was "I feel like I'm intruding." They looked so peaceful and amazing. See for yourselves.

I walked up the hill and looked out across the city and more. It wasn't exactly like being on top of the world, but it was pretty spectacular. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of that for you. It was so bright out (for once) that it came out as just white and tiny bits of color. I wanted to do the view justice, but that picture wouldn't have so I didn't. So I just stood for a few minutes and took it all in, and made my way down St. Cathy's and moved on to the meadows.

On my walk I took a couple right turns where I thought I was supposed to, and ended up on this tiny, muddy path next to one of the canals. At this point I hadn't seen another human being in a while so I was  starting to get nervous. I felt like I was in the wrong place or on the wrong path. Then I wrote down, "How do we know which path is the right one? None of them are marked. There are no signs that say 'Keats' path, this way.' And just because you walk where some one else walked doesn't mean you've been where they've been." Funny how that can be applied to life right? (Thats for you Bug- I will always support your path no matter where it takes you.) Turns out I actually WAS on the wrong path. I saw the paved foot path running parallel to the one I was on and had to hop a fence to get back to it. Small obstacle. Look at who I found floating down the canal. though He sidled right up to the bank and posed for me! (Mom remember those birds in mexico who posed for us? He was like them!)

I ended up walking by myself for over three hours. If you've got a lot on your mind, three hours is a long time to be alone with your own thoughts. But not talking and just walking, and looking, let's you see the world in a different way and really appreciate it. Its true sometimes someone would jog by or being walking their dog, but for the most part I was alone. When it was really quiet I could hear water in the distance, birds calling out the coming spring, my feet squishing in the mud. It was a really great walk. I'll end this one with a picture of a view that I simply found beautiful- the english countryside at its best. As always, thanks for reading. I'm headed on another adventure this weekend so check me out Sunday. I should have a lot to say! <3 M

Saturday, February 12, 2011

End of My First Week

Forgive me blog-readers, for I have sinned. It has been a few days since my last submission.. :)

I am at the end of my first week at Winchester... and it has been eventful to say the least. From classes to parties to domestic violence I have experience a lot. Yes I said domestic violence.. I have an interesting neighbor. Let's not go there.

My classes are all great. There is one that goes a little over my head, but I think once I read the material I should be alright. Its all about futuristic fiction, but we need to be up-to-date on current events to form a base for our writing, and we all know my favorite source of reading material is NOT the newspaper.

Going out is a huge part of the culture here, and I am finding it hard to keep up! The kids here attend parties thrown by the school every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. And then do nothing on the weekend! What a concept. I will be skipping the Monday and Wednesday parties from now on, seeing as how I care about my classes and can't function hung over on 5 hours of sleep. Call me a nerd, I just call it being human.

I haven't gotten to travel much yet. Tomorrow I am going to the neighboring town of Southampton. It wont be a big trip but I hear it is worth seeing. Apparently it has good shopping too! Other places on the list of traveling are (but not limited to): Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and France. These are some of the easiest destinations for me to reach, which is why they are first on the list. I am trying to get my month off mapped out-- hopefully with this group of American students I have befriended. If not, I may just go it alone! (Kidding mom...)

Thats all I have for now, since not much has really happened this week. I will be posting some pictures of Winchester and Southampton tomorrow hopefully! As always, thanks for reading!

<3 M

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Very First Class at Winchester

My first class was yesterday (Monday). I only had one and it is called Fiction for Children. The class is about learning how to write for children and appeal to different demographics and age groups. It is a lot of fun! Even though when we split up into group my teacher, who knew I was an American, introduced my to the entire class like this: Everyone... this is Magi and she is an American and she doesn't know anyone... so could she please join someone's group? Crickets.. It was so embarrassing. Then we had to write our own story and read them out loud to the class. My homework: to read the Big Friendly Giant. What a rough time I am going to have :)

That's all I have so far on the academic front. I started running today. I felt like I have been eating enough yorkshire puddings to feed a small village, so its time. My run was awesome. It took me a few steps to find my stride again and get comfortable. But once I did I was able to really enjoy it and look around at what I was running past. The countryside here is like from a movie-- absolutely beautiful. And to get down to my dorm I had to run down a really long, steep hill. I felt like a little kid again, running as fast as I could, pretending to fly. Now the uphill run was another story entirely.. I was wheezing.

Anyway that is all for this short little blog. Hopefully I will have tons more to say by the end of the week when I go to the rest of my classes. Oh, and I promise to get some pictures in soon! As always, thanks for reading!


Sunday, February 6, 2011

My New Home

Yesterday we arrived at the Uni (as the locals call it) but we had the hardest time getting here!  We missed the 10:30am free bus service to Winchester because we went to the wrong terminal in Heathrow. So we had to buy a bus ticket from a service, and that bus didn't arrive for about an hour. Once we finally got here we had to find a bus that was coming to get us. Then we finally got here and they were like "Oh look it's the American's that got left behind!" Way to be known already..

We moved into our new homes for the next 4 months. Not too shabby, but no Buckingham either. This just in.. boys and girls share dorms. Not just like girl on one floor and boys on another. No I have a neighbor named Liam and one named Peter. Its so strange but its really fun. I moved onto a floor that's like a family. **Abby and Kirsten-- its kind of like living in house only with boys. And these people can drink on campus! Alcohol is served at school functions! What a concept. My dorm is apparently the "quiet" dorm, but on the first night we had a bit of a party in MY room! So, just for the record- my dorm is the one that has the Holy Bible propping the door open, and the window on the top floor with the wine bottle in the sill is mine :) Yeah I know.. sounds real classy doesn't it?

I have been two places on campus. The main building which houses the Student Union and the cafeteria and the computer lab, and my dorm. Today is orientation so hopefully I will be getting a tour and hopefully start to feel a little more comfortable. That's all this morning... more later after I am oriented :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Second Day in London

Today was a much better day! I got some sleep and felt like walking, which made the day a lot better! After my very first full English Breakfast J  we set off again toward Trafalgar Square. I had to take a picture with the giant lions and get a picture of one of the quatrefoil fountains (both are extremely significant to Phi Mu!)

On our way we stopped for a coffee break and I had the most delicious hot chocolate! It was so thick and creamy. It is exactly what I imagined the chocolate from the waterfall in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory would taste like!! Then after the pictures in the square we headed toward Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret’s church. Along the way we saw the Horse Guards Palace.

 Even though the sign warned me that the horse might kick or bite, I braved it and petted him anyway. He was so soft! I am sure that guard is thinking “stupid American tourist!” That is also what people were thinking when I hopped in a red phone booth for a signature picture!

Then we saw the abbey and the church and Parliament (which was incredibly breath taking.) Then we walked back for lunch and shopped a bit, then had tea in The Crypt at St. Martin-in-the-Fields. The high light of  my day BY FAR was at night. Emily and I ditched Don Carlos (our chaperone) and went to see the musical Chicago!! It was fabulous. It was only the second live professional musical I have ever seen and I was transfixed. There was a live band on stage the entire time, and the cast was extremely charismatic. We got really great deals on the seats too. What would have been 65 pounds was only 30 for us because we are students. We were about 8 or 9 rows back, and I really enjoyed it.

Tomorrow we travel to Heathrow to get on the bus to Winchester. I am so excited to see the campus and move into my room! Tomorrow night I will make sure to post a picture of where I am staying.

As always thanks for reading. Much love to you all.. all 10 of you J

<3 M

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Traveling to / First Day in London!!

Saying bye to my parents was soo much harder than I thought it would be. I got stopped in security because I was crying so hard after saying goodbye to my mom. I’m sure they were suspicious that I had just shoved something up my rear in order to sneak it onto the plane, that’s why I was so teary. When they realized I was just a big baby they all felt bad and gave me tissues and talked to me like I was 12. Well reverse the numbers folks.. I’m supposed to be a big girl! They should really let family come through security like they used to, so we can say good bye at the terminal and not before security. Then this kind of stuff wouldn’t happen!

Flight from Indy to ATL—jammed packed. So sorry lady whose carry-on weighed 40lbs.. that’s too big so check that junk, which would allow good little girls like me who follow the size rule to put her back pack in the over head bin. Instead, my back pack had to be where—oh that’s right—where my FEET were supposed to go! Freakin fabulous.

ATL airport observations: this is the biggest place EVER. I kind of want to live here. All of my favorite foods are here (Sushi, Qdoba, pizza, Panda Express, Starbucks, ad smoothies) and there is a bookstore and a store to get my back, butt, and head massaged all at the same time. Sounds like perfection. Dear woman to my right who is sitting in an elevated stool so that your rear end is where my head is: please pull up your pants. I lost my appetite just looking over at you. How? It ran away when it saw your butt crack. Crack kills. Go talk to the 45 year-old-man carrying the Barbie backpack. I have been waiting for his daughter to come find him and take it for about 25 minutes now. I have come to the conclusion that she does not exist and you, sir, are just a weirdo.

Flight to London: the flight was awesome because I got watch a whole much of free movies and had a bunch of ginger ales and peanuts. Even the dinner was good! And Don Carlos (my chaperone) didn't want his entree so he gave it to me! Big girl gotta eat :) But I couldn't sleep or get comfortable for the life of me. So that was the downfall. Plus someone kept farting.. but we got to London about an hour ahead of schedule! Which leads me to my next point..

Trains in London: Victoria station was amazing. One of the coolest places I have ever seen. There were so many people arriving and departing. I watched people pass by when I was sitting at a table at a cafe we stopped at. Some were running, some were walking. Some had big suitcases and some had small ones. Some had coffee and others were reading while they walked. It was like they were on tracks that criss-crossed so perfectly that one didn't even have to be looking where they were going. When I was walking among them I felt like an intruder in an already perfect system. I was to slow and awkward with my giant suitcase. Getting on the undergrounds was a terrifying experience. People were pushing like the devil was on their heels. Lots of people cut me, assuming because I wasn't pushy enough. We had to catch two of those trains and it was hot and chaotic.. and I will live if I never have to do that again.